I use example component as my reference for best practice guide. Still I think 
its better placed in Ofbiz Extras.   

Thanks and Regards
Anil Patel
HotWax Media Inc

On Mar 20, 2012, at 10:17 AM, Nicolas Malin wrote:

> Le 20/03/2012 16:38, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
>> From: "Nicolas Malin" <malin.nico...@librenberry.net>
>>> Le 20/03/2012 12:47, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :
>>>>> Q) framework/example and framework/exampleext: move to specialpurpose
>>>> Adrian would like to keep Example in the framework but slim it down a lot 
>>>> to the essential (no form widgets examples, no Ajax
>>>> examples, no content examples etc...). Adrian would you please confirm if 
>>>> in your vision the "example" application should
>>>> document the layout of a typical OFBiz component only? If yes, we could 
>>>> use the output of the "ant create-component" task to
>>>> document the best practice layout.
>>>> Jacques, Olivier would like to keep also the examples for the various 
>>>> higher level features available to OFBiz applications.
>>>> I think that from the discussion it could emerge the following solution to 
>>>> please everyone:
>>>> * keep the "example" component in the framework but slim it down to the 
>>>> bare essential
>>>> * move the "exampleext" component to specialpurpose and migrate to it all 
>>>> the extra features: this could also be used as a best
>>>> practice guide on how to extend a component from hot-deploy/specialpurpose
>>>> I still think that it would be nicer to not bundle the "example" component 
>>>> ootb to keep the framework cleaner: the example should
>>>> be downloaded separately (when we will have clear separation between 
>>>> framework and the rest); this approach is similar to tomcat
>>>> and its example applications. But I don't have a strong opinion on this.
>>>> Jacopo
>>> example and exampleext are they useful for production site ?
>>> if Apache OFBiz implement a plugin manager, why don't use ant (or other) to 
>>> prepare OFBiz according to its use.
>>> If you want develop on OFBiz, when you download from svn run : ant 
>>> run-install-dev (it's a example ;)) and ant use plugin manager
>>> to resolve all extras project that compose the official OFBiz developer 
>>> package.
>> Interesting, it's based on Ivy, right? 
> In my mind yes, but I set an idea not a solution ;)
>> Did you ever re-consider Maven (I know the historical ;o)?
>> I guess ant+Ivy is more flexible? I prefer it too, but only crossed Maven 
>> during a Geronimo developement
> I prefer ant + ivy too
>>> [my life]
>>> At this time, I comment all unneeded components as example on production 
>>> site. It isn't a problem, just I don't find clean :)
>>> [/my life]
>> Yes, I do the same, and certainly others as well...
>> Jacques
>>> -- 
>>> Nicolas MALIN
>>> Consultant
>>> Tél :
>>> Site projet : http://www.neogia.org/
>>> -------
>>> Société LibrenBerry
>>> Tél :
>>> Site : http://www.librenberry.net/
> -- 
> Nicolas MALIN
> Consultant
> Tél :
> Site projet : http://www.neogia.org/
> -------
> Société LibrenBerry
> Tél :
> Site : http://www.librenberry.net/

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