On 04/20/2012 12:53 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:
Hi Adam,

How would that be? That would be one per tenant in a multi-tenant setup? I
can imagine in a multi-tenant setup with the db backend not on derby (as we
all recommend) the upgrade/migration aspect can be enormous. Even more so
in a HAFO-setup.

Moving EntityKeyStore to a separate database would not be hard, no code changes at all. Just a new entitygroup mapping, and updating entityengine.xml(or TenantDataSource) to point it at a different database. This would then mean running pg_dump(or whatever) would not see the keys.

I currently have the new crypto storage done. It uses base64 to store the hashed keyname, the key value, and the encrypted column values scattered around the database. A random-length(0-15) random-value salt is pre-pended to each value during encryption, so if you continually set the same value, you'll get different encrypted values.

I do not yet have key-encrypting-key(KEK) support working. I'm currently thinking there would be one 'master' KEK. This is what EntityCrypto would use by default. In sub-tenant delegators, the sub EntityCrypto would fetch a key from it's parent delegator. The parent delegator would be using the master KEK to encode it's keys. The sub-delegator would be using a unique KEK stored in the base delegator. The base delegator has it's own EntityCrypto.

So, the master KEK could be stored in entityengine.xml(base64 encoded, I can provide a cmdline tool to generate it), or some other file.

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