On 04/20/2012 12:13 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> Not sure you noticed but Builbot is no longer running
> http://ci.apache.org/waterfall?show_events=false&branch=&builder=ofbiz-trunk&reload=none

Yeah, noticed that buildbot wasn't emailing.  Looking at that link, it
appears that isis_ubuntu is offline.

I always run all my changes thru a full clean/test run before
committing(even when I commit > 10 at a time).

I am willing to post some of my new stuff somewhere before committing,
'cuz changing EntityCrypto is not something you would do lightly.

> That's maybe why Pierre and Hans want an easy way to check before
> integrating?

Verifying that the existing test cases run(because buildbot is broken)
is completely separate than wanting to verify an implementation before
committing to trunk.

> Jacques

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