Indeed, pretty useless OOTB


From: "Adrian Crum" <>
Search for "error-list-name"


On 4/28/2012 6:55 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
+1 to remove if really "it opens up the potential for things to not work properly."
And of course unless the creator of this option explains the need

Also what attributes will be removed exactly?

Note: I did not find any "error-message" string in *.xml files in trunk


From: "Adrian Crum" <>
While working on the Mini-language overhaul, I noticed that the error message handling is a little convoluted and it opens up the potential for things to not work properly.

You can specify the name of the error message list in the <simple-method> element. You can also specify the name of the error message list in some of the method operations that generate error messages. I am not sure what purpose that serves. The event and service engines will retrieve the error message list specified in the <simple-method> element - any other error message lists that were created by method operations are ignored.

In the existing Mini-language code there are only a handful of method operations that specify the error message list name, and in all of those cases the default name is used - effectively doing nothing. I would like to remove the capability to specify the error message list name in all of the method operations. Instead, method operations that generate errors will use the error message list name defined in the enclosing <simple-method> element.

What do you think?


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