On 05/07/2012 03:40 PM, Pierre Smits wrote:
> Given that the tenants use the same codebase and only use a different
> delegator than main, you could say that performing unit tests as in a
> tenant delegator should get you the same results as doing them in the main
> delegator.
> But, then there would always be an uncertainty that might itch...
> Testing it al in a tenant environment could/would entail:
>    1. create the tenant
>    2. load the demo data into the environment (db) of the tenant through
>    its delegator
>    3. trigger test suites and/or individual test in the environment of the
>    tent through its delegator
> We can and could use current ant targets for items 1 and 2 mentioned above.
> But for item 3  a new ant target (in style of current testing targets in
> build.xml) should be created.

There's no reason to run *all* tests in a particular tenant.  That
would be useless extra work.  Only test what is nescessary to verify
that tenant code actually works.  Use code-coverage to help with this.

ps: You do realize who you are talking to?  Someone who isn't a newbie
with ofbiz.  The tone of your responses seem to lean in that direction.

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