On 5/21/2012 4:25 PM, Adam Heath wrote:
On 05/21/2012 10:05 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
Okay, I think we're safe. I recently refactored all of that to make it
more reliable. If something breaks, the places to look are the
org.ofbiz.minilang.method.conditional.Compare class and
org.ofbiz.minilang.MiniLangUtil.convertType(...) method.
The test cases work, and the ordermgr link given earlier works.  I
haven't done full-backend testing.

I think after I get this all working again, I'll add local-ofbiz tests
for the freemarker issues I've discovered.  At least in base, that
will be simple(api tests are easier to write).  The "null" problem in
minilang and widget are more difficult, as I'm not that used to
writing those.

I will work on creating Mini-lang unit tests when I am finished with the overhaul. Unfortunately, for the moment, we have to rely on the higher level tests and user complaints to detect Mini-language problems.

On 5/21/2012 3:42 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
As far as Mini-language is concerned, I think it only affects the
comparison operators. But those comparisons should specifically
check for null, not compare something to GenericEntity.NULL_FIELD.
Let me look at them again.

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