On Jun 1, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Adam Heath wrote:

>> But in one sentence I would like to integrate a tm that supports the 
>> recovery of transactions... and in the way it is currently integrated in 
>> OFBiz, Geronimo TM doesn't support this.
> Would it be possible to change the geronimo integration?

Yes, in fact I started with this and I have a local modification that I may be 
able to contribute soon; the idea is to setup the Geronimo TM with a different 
"transaction log" class:
* we are currently using the UnrecoverableLog class and and this is not a 
reliable solution [*]
* Geronimo provides a "transaction log" based on Howl [**] and this is the one 
I was able to plug in (with some work) in my local copy

However I also faced some issues and the documentation of Geronimo in this area 
is very poor; also extracting the TM from new releases of Geronimo is 
challenging (this has been challenging also in the past but in the new release 
I couldn't even find the separate jars); also the fact that Geronimo TM bases 
its core operations on Howl may be a little concerning as Howl's last release 
was in January 2007.

Even if none of the above issues may block us to enhance the current Geronimo 
integration (and as I wrote, I may be able to provide an enhancement for it), 
they made me spend some time researching for other more modern solutions and I 
came to Atomikos TransactionsEssentials [***] that seems to be a valid 
solution, actively maintained and adopted by several open source projects 
(including David's Moqui); its license is ASL2.0.

But yeah, I am still working on this and I will keep you updated on the outcome.



[*] This is a comment from the class's source file:

 * A log sink that doesn't actually do anything.
 * Not recommended for production use as heuristic recovery will be needed if
 * the transaction coordinator dies.

[**] http://howl.ow2.org/

[***] http://www.atomikos.com/Main/TransactionsEssentials

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