
Since all redirect response types (url, cross-redirect, request-redirect, request-redirect-noparam) call HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() through RequestHandler.callRedirect(), all controllers redirections do 302 redirections.


To keep short:
301: permanent redirect
302: temporary redirect

SEO best practices recommend to use 301 instead of 302 (just Google for "301 vs 
Of course this does not matter much for an ERP only used in an intranet, but 
for eCommerce it matters.

So we have 3 solutions at hand:

1. Keep as is (ie continue with a 302 redirect)
2. Permanently replace the 302 redirect by a 301
3. Offer an option between the 2 (or even others if we want, like 307).

If we choice 3, what name would you pick for this option ("redirect-type", between {"301","302"}?). Then it would not have any sense for non redirect response types, maybe a reason to prefer option 2. Though a temporary redirect could still be useful in case of redirection on error, hence my preference for 3...

What's your opinion?


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