I think most of our redirects OOTB are used as a Post/Redirect/Get pattern for 
which 303 is best on HTTP 1.1 or 302 on HTTP 1.0

Do you have a reference for your SEO best practices? Or alternatively do you 
have an example of where a 301 redirect would be more appropriate in the 
ecommerce app?


On 25/06/2012, at 8:07 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

> This is the easiest way to go, so I'm not against, no other opinions?
> Jacques
> From: "Adrian Crum" <adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com>
>> A 301 permanent replacement makes sense to me.
>> -Adrian
>> On 6/22/2012 8:47 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Since all redirect response types (url, cross-redirect, request-redirect, 
>>> request-redirect-noparam) call HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() through 
>>> RequestHandler.callRedirect(), all controllers redirections do 302 
>>> redirections.
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes#3xx_Redirection
>>> To keep short:
>>> 301: permanent redirect
>>> 302: temporary redirect
>>> SEO best practices recommend to use 301 instead of 302 (just Google for 
>>> "301 vs 302")
>>> Of course this does not matter much for an ERP only used in an intranet, 
>>> but for eCommerce it matters.
>>> So we have 3 solutions at hand:
>>> 1. Keep as is (ie continue with a 302 redirect)
>>> 2. Permanently replace the 302 redirect by a 301
>>> 3. Offer an option between the 2 (or even others if we want, like 307).
>>> If we choice 3, what name would you pick for this option ("redirect-type", 
>>> between {"301","302"}?). Then it would not have any sense for non redirect 
>>> response types, maybe a reason to prefer option 2. Though a temporary 
>>> redirect could still be useful in case of redirection on error, hence my 
>>> preference for 3...
>>> What's your opinion?
>>> Jacques

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