From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <>
> On Dec 10, 2012, at 8:34 PM, Olivier Heintz wrote:
>> I don't want to say all I do is correct, but for  ofbiz addon
>> 1) I have start by a situation status  on my mail "OFBiz Plugin
>> Management, status and propositions"  18th March
>> 2) as proposed by Jacopo, work in OFBiz extra to be able to prepare
>> ready to use tools to help ofbiz community testing it and doing remarks
>> on bad and good point;
> I simply proposed (and this is still the best way to go in my opinion) to 
> create a page in the OFBiz website with links to the OFbiz Extra space, 
> clearly explaining the difference between the Apache OFBiz project and these 
> external projects.
> You decided it was not enough and went your own road, taking the risk of 
> implementing something that may not be of interest to others.

I believe the so-called addons deserve a "bit" more effort. But yes indeed the 
root should be from the wiki itself "being rooted by" the main site

> Kind regards,
> Jacopo
>> 3) prepare a track on ApacheCon to explain how to use it and to meet
>> other ofbiz community member
>> 4) nicolas continue to help by writing a short howto
>> I understand everybody is overbooking by its own customer project, but
>> we really try to follow PMC and commiter advices to present contributions

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