In the original discussion, David provided a very nice description of why a rewrite is necessary. There seemed to be some support for it at the time, but looking back, it appears I was the only one who supported the idea.

Therefore, I have to come to the same conclusion David did: Innovation is impossible in this community, so it needs to be done somewhere else.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 1/21/2014 8:01 AM, Scott Gray wrote:
Moqui copies problems from our existing framework, I want to fix them.

You'd probably need to go into more detail on that, if I'm not mistaken Moqui's 
intention was to do the opposite.

Personally I don't think you're going to get much support for a full framework 
rewrite, initially at least, because you're describing potentially years of 
effort using a short wiki document.  When there's something more tangible to 
digest then at least there would be something to discuss.  I'd suggest some 
sort of proof of concept in github or some design/api documentation before 
creating a branch, you need more support before undertaking it within this 
project IMO.  I don't agree with the premise that the framework needs to be 
completely rewritten, at least not until there's a solid discussion about the 
actual issues that need to be fixed.


On 19/01/2014, at 1:27 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Using Moqui was suggested in the links I posted, but no one has done anything 
about it.

Like I said, "The goal would be to start over from scratch - using sound design 
principles and the lessons learned from the current code." Moqui copies problems 
from our existing framework, I want to fix them.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 1/18/2014 8:26 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

My position is that OFBiz will probably last another 10-20 years and i
am not in favor of big changes in the OFBiz framework and certainly are
against replacing it unless it is Moqui. When i think the Moqui
framework is ready to take over, we will slowly move GrowERP and our
customers using OFBiz to using Moqui.

I think it would be really a pity if you start your own framework, I
would suggest to work together with David and join forces. Getting a new
framework into the market will be really hard work and competing with
Moqui you sure will get a difficult time. We from AntWebsystems
certainly will help in the Mantle/Moqui development in the next few years


On 19/01/14 04:11, Adrian Crum wrote:
Some years ago we engaged in a discussion about rewriting the OFBiz

Then a suggestion was made to base OFBiz on the Moqui framework:

Since those discussions, progress has been made in rewriting bits and
pieces of the framework, but no one has tackled replacing the
framework entirely. I am ready to begin that effort.

My preference would be to create a branch and start building things
out there - with the help of others. The goal would be to start over
from scratch - using sound design principles and the lessons learned
from the current code.

If there is support for this effort, then I can begin working on it in
February. If not, then I will most likely start a separate project -
similar to the approach taken by Moqui.

I created a design document:

It is in the draft stage. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

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