That is a nice piece of explanation. Should be part of the documentation, if it 
is not already. 



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> On 31 aug. 2014, at 11:56, Jacopo Cappellato 
> <> wrote:
>> On Aug 31, 2014, at 11:36 AM, Jacopo Cappellato 
>> <> wrote:
>> a) what is the original concern of DispatchContext and of GenericDispatcher
> This comes from this old but still interesting document: 
> ========================================
> *Service Dispatcher*
> The Service Dispatcher handles dispatching services to the appropriate 
> Service Engine where it is then invoked. There is exactly one 
> ServiceDispatcher for each Entity Delegator. If there are multiple delegators 
> in an application there will also be multiple dispatchers. The 
> ServiceDispatcher is accessed via a LocalDispatcher. There can be many 
> LocalDispatchers associated with a ServiceDispatcher. Each LocalDispatcher is 
> uniquely named and contains its own list of service definitions. When 
> creating an instance of a LocalDispatcher, a DispatchContext is also created 
> and passed to the ServiceEngine.
> A LocalDispatcher is associated with an application. Applications never talk 
> directly to the ServiceDispatcher. The LocalDispatcher contains an API for 
> invoking services, which are routed through the ServiceDispather. However, 
> applications may be running in different threads than the actual 
> ServiceDispatcher, so it is left to the LocalDispatcher to keep a 
> DispatchContext which among other things keeps a reference to the 
> applications classloader.
> *Dispatch Context*
> The DispatchContext is created by the LocalDispatcher upon instantiation. 
> This is the runtime dispatcher context. It contains necessary information to 
> process services for each dispatcher. This context contains the reference to 
> each of the service definition files, the classloader which should be used 
> for invocation, a reference to the delegator and its dispatcher along with a 
> 'bag' of user defined attributes. This context is passed on to each service 
> when invoked and is used by the dispatcher to determine the service's model.
> ========================================
> Jacopo

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