Here is some ASCII art that might help:

DispatchContext (a container for objects needed by service implementations)
|__ (references) LocalDispatcher (an application-specific service dispatcher)
                     |__ (delegates to) ServiceDispatcher
                                          |__ (based on) Delegator

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 8/31/2014 10:36 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Thank you Adrian,

please see inline:

On Aug 31, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Adrian Crum <> 

Currently, the service engine classes are a bit muddled. GenericDispatcher (the 
default LocalDispatcher implementation) and DispatchContext have feature envy. 
Some functionality in DispatchContext belongs in ServiceDispatcher.

I would like to clean this up a bit and provide better separation of concerns. The 
service engine API will not change - the work will be done "under the hood."

My hope is to get the code to a point where DispatchContext becomes less 
integral to its neighbors, and it becomes more of a single-use lightweight 
container. Again, this will not change the API at all.

I think it would help the other committers to provide feedback if you could (in 
just a few sentences) summarize the following:
a) what is the original concern of DispatchContext and of GenericDispatcher
b) where do you see that this concerns are not well implemented in the code
c) if you would like to modify #a, quickly describe the new purposes of the 
classes in your vision
d) what are the methods/fields that you would like to move from DispatchContext



PS: in general I also see a lot of code that should be cleaned in 
DispatchContext; for example, the initialization of the static map in the 
constructor, the method getAllServiceNames() that should be static, bad 
thread-safe implementation, probably the modelServiceMapByModel should not even 
be there...

However, it will open up the possibility to improve the API. For example, 
instead of this service implementation:

public static Map<String, Object> myService(DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, 
Object> context) {
  Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");

we could have:

public static Map<String, Object> myService(DispatchContext dctx) {
  Locale locale = dctx.getParameter("locale");

What do you think?

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

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