
Initially I wanted to write a complete email with several concerned points. I changed my mind and prefer to discuss each point in separated emails, though in the same thread. It will be easier.

The 1st point which comes to my mind is what to exactly put back in release 

We can't put the current trunk HEAD state, because we will face the rule which says that we shall not add new features in release branches. And obviously there are some since we freezed this branch and moreover few (at least EntityQuery) are blockers. So I guess we should put the state of the specialpurpose components in trunk when the branch was freezed http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=r1505933 and then add the bug fixes since https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?filter=12329808

We cannot rely only on Jira, at least it's a start.


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