Generally speaking, I am in favor of using another framework. I have two reservations about Moqui:

1. It is controlled by a single person - so responsiveness to issues are dependent on that person's availability.

2. It repeats a lot of mistakes that have been made in OFBiz, so those things will need to be fixed again in Moqui after we bring it on board.

Neither one is a show-stopper for me.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 4/20/2015 6:31 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:
Again, as discussed at the ApacheCon in Austin we should start setting
up a plan how to best move the ERP application to the Moqui framework.
Moqui should not be part of the Apache foundation however the ERP
application should remain there.

Not only will it improve development of the ERP system but also will
establish a clean separation between application and frameworks and
hopefully getting David Jones back into the project.

Yes, I realize i open the pandora box :-) but we need to make some major

Hans Bakker

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