Full ack for Adams remarks.

There should be a +0.5 like „I like this idea, but the realization has to be 
well planned for a point in the future where the all over organization fits the 
needs for a different contribution process" ;-)

So, +0.5 from me.

Martin Becker
ecomify GmbH

> Am 05.05.2015 um 06:25 schrieb Adam Heath <doo...@brainfood.com>:
> This may be the nail in the coffin, at least for now, but +0, needs more 
> discussion/planning.  I've been using git-svn for longer than most with 
> ofbiz, and would really love it if we were already using git, but it's just 
> too soon.
> Just because git is decentralized, doesn't mean that there is no longer a 
> center. *Someone* has to be pulling/merging all the branches, and who would 
> step up to that plate?  Who would want to take on the mantel?  I don't think 
> we as a community are ready to require that of someone.
> Of course, we need to start planning for this eventuality, imho, but we are 
> still a long ways off.
> ps: I, and others, will continue to use git in our upstream svn interactions, 
> as that seems to work well enough
> pps: as per Adrian's vote call, there is nothing actionable here.
> On 05/04/2015 10:01 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:
>> As the discussions seem to end, can i propose a vote?
>> The question : should we convert the master SVN repository of Apache OFBIz 
>> to a GIT version?
>> The possible answers are according the apache voting guidelines at: 
>> https://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html
>> *
>>   +1: 'Yes lets do it'
>> * +0: 'I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with this.'
>> *
>>   -0.5: 'I don't like this idea, but I can't find any rational
>>   justification for my feelings.'
>> *
>>   ++1: 'Wow! I like this! Let's /do/ it!'
>> *
>>   -0.9: 'I /really/ don't like this, but I'm not going to stand in the
>>   way if everyone else wants to go ahead with it.'
>> *
>>   +0.9: 'This is a cool idea and i like it, but I don't have time/the
>>   skills necessary to help out.'
>> * -1 'I do not want this.'
>> Votes will be possible for one week from today.
>> Regards,
>> Hans
>> On 20/04/15 11:38, Hans Bakker wrote:
>>> As discussed at apachecon in Austin, i propose to switch from svn to git 
>>> for the ofbiz repository. The main reason being that all major contributors 
>>> are using git and contributions are cumbersome, further, git allows for 
>>> better branching and merging.
>>> Regards,
>>> Hans

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