This may be the nail in the coffin, at least for now, but +0, needs more discussion/planning. I've been using git-svn for longer than most with ofbiz, and would really love it if we were already using git, but it's just too soon.

Just because git is decentralized, doesn't mean that there is no longer a center. *Someone* has to be pulling/merging all the branches, and who would step up to that plate? Who would want to take on the mantel? I don't think we as a community are ready to require that of someone.

Of course, we need to start planning for this eventuality, imho, but we are still a long ways off.

ps: I, and others, will continue to use git in our upstream svn interactions, as that seems to work well enough

pps: as per Adrian's vote call, there is nothing actionable here.

On 05/04/2015 10:01 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:
As the discussions seem to end, can i propose a vote?

The question : should we convert the master SVN repository of Apache OFBIz to a GIT version? The possible answers are according the apache voting guidelines at:


   +1: 'Yes lets do it'

 * +0: 'I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with this.'

   -0.5: 'I don't like this idea, but I can't find any rational
   justification for my feelings.'


   ++1: 'Wow! I like this! Let's /do/ it!'


   -0.9: 'I /really/ don't like this, but I'm not going to stand in the
   way if everyone else wants to go ahead with it.'


   +0.9: 'This is a cool idea and i like it, but I don't have time/the
   skills necessary to help out.'

 * -1 'I do not want this.'

Votes will be possible for one week from today.


On 20/04/15 11:38, Hans Bakker wrote:
As discussed at apachecon in Austin, i propose to switch from svn to git for the ofbiz repository. The main reason being that all major contributors are using git and contributions are cumbersome, further, git allows for better branching and merging.


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