
Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 5/4/2015 8:01 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:
As the discussions seem to end, can i propose a vote?

The question : should we convert the master SVN repository of Apache
OFBIz to a GIT version?
The possible answers are according the apache voting guidelines at:


    +1: 'Yes lets do it'

  * +0: 'I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with this.'

    -0.5: 'I don't like this idea, but I can't find any rational
    justification for my feelings.'


    ++1: 'Wow! I like this! Let's /do/ it!'


    -0.9: 'I /really/ don't like this, but I'm not going to stand in the
    way if everyone else wants to go ahead with it.'


    +0.9: 'This is a cool idea and i like it, but I don't have time/the
    skills necessary to help out.'

  * -1 'I do not want this.'

Votes will be possible for one week from today.


On 20/04/15 11:38, Hans Bakker wrote:
As discussed at apachecon in Austin, i propose to switch from svn to
git for the ofbiz repository. The main reason being that all major
contributors are using git and contributions are cumbersome, further,
git allows for better branching and merging.


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