Scott yes I mostly agree with your vision just for the UI :

Le 03/12/2016 à 00:03, Scott Gray a écrit :

It's my opinion that while a custom UI framework is a "nice to have", it is
by no means offers much of a selling point when you compare it to things
like the domain model and the extensive business logic supported in OFBiz.
Telling non-OFBiz front-end developers that they must now use the widget
framework to build their AJAX intensive screens isn't much fun to be honest.

A good majority of the data gathering logic is tightly coupled to the OOTB
UI and isn't particularly re-usable.  Writing a JSON-RPC or REST based API
for custom screens is usually quite a bit of work because there isn't any
inherent support for it in the framework and you tend to just hack
something together on the fly due to time/budget constraints.
If we work fine with good abstraction, I think we can create a theme for Json-RPC or REST. Imagine, you set your request-map, call standard service and the view-map transfer to screen engine for consolidation. It isn't only UI refactoring but review the last element on the ofbiz chain, open the screen-engine to hacking and customizing.

If we arrive to manage a one page design site without change the OFBiz request workflow, it would be a success :)


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