Come on Taher,

As I said below (my last message) BuildBot is only revealing a symptom.

I already explained in this thread

<<Prior to Gradle migration we were not using the 8080 port during tests. For instance we could have an OFBiz instance running, playing with its UI and then run tests on another instance or vice-versa. This is no longer possible because now the port 8080 (and others) are kept open while running tests. So far it was only a "small" annoyance, but it's now blocking BuildBot because infra puppetized the BuildBot slaves>>

I suggest that you test by yourself to be convinced.

I also wrote in this same email <<Before anything else, I will though ask infra why 
Tomcat is always running on these hosts...>>

I did, now waiting their answer... and focusing on other matters in the 


Le 29/01/2017 à 14:27, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
What does gradle have to do with blocking these ports? This is stuff
related to Tomcat. There is nothing in both ant and gradle that has
anything to do with these ports afaik.

On Jan 29, 2017 4:16 PM, "Jacques Le Roux" <>


I did not say that "ant run-tests" can use portoffset. Indeed it's not,
and I was overzealous when, long ago and yesterday in r1780660, I changed
the Java code of tests for that (related with portoffset). Because I did
not change how the tests are running in pre Gradle versions. Actually I was
then unsure and preferred to cover all cases. So, I repeat: we never
use/block ports (at least 8080 and I guess 8443) when running tests in pre
Gradle versions.

For instance if you look for

f_ofb_15.addStep(Compile(command=["ant" , "load-demo"],
f_ofb_15.addStep(Compile(command=["ant" , "run-tests"],

egis/buildmaster/master1/projects/ofbiz.conf (for committers only)

You will see that we don't use portoffset in Buildbot and it works well: (ran yesterday)

But since Gradle migration something has surely changed. As Buildbot shows
(it's a side effect here, but it's also Buildbot role to track
regressions), the ports are used(?)/blocked when running tests in post
Gradle versions.
I believe the best for us is to remove that, if it's possible. I'll have a
look in I'll not feel offended if someone beats me on it...



Le 29/01/2017 à 11:12, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :

Okay, thank you for the efforts Jacques.

The only thing that I suspect is related might be in where the
portoffset is evaluated. I don't think I've changed the logic, and so I
suspect that it is not related to Gradle. If the tests do not run on a
portoffset, then I suspect perhaps they don't do the same on ant either.

On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

Hi Taher,
Prior to Gradle migration we were not using the 8080 port during tests.
For instance we could have an OFBiz instance running, playing with its UI
and then run tests on another instance or vice-versa.

This is no longer possible because now the port 8080 (and others) are
open while running tests. So far it was only a "small" annoyance, but
now blocking BuildBot because infra puppetized the BuildBot slaves

And, I don't know why and this could be a question to infra, for a reason
there is always a Tomcat instance running on port 8080 these hosts

I thought we could bypass this issue by using portoffset with
testIntegration task since it's now required. But I just tested locally
it seems to not work. I'm not quite sure and will try a last thing
"on" Buildbot. If it does not work we have to think about removing this
need of open ports while running tests, IOW to remove this regression
introduced with Gradle.

Before anything else, I will though ask infra why Tomcat is always
on these hosts...


Le 27/01/2017 à 18:15, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :

Why do we need to run the tests on portoffset?
On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 7:48 AM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

Ah, I forgot to say, that I have dropped BuildBot support for R12 and

Also that the pre-Gradle versions don't need portoffset

Le 27/01/2017 à 05:29, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

Le 27/01/2017 à 05:14, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

But in the case of running integration tests with a portoffset we have

an issue which is blocking BuildBot now for trunk and



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