Hello Sebastian,

Recently I have switched trunk to use HTML5 as main interface.
Additionally I have added new type of the login into flash (by wicketsid).
New login type was added since it is hard for me to find which of the
existent login can be used in my case.

After such change the following weird behavior is observed:
1) everything works as expected in case flash version is accessed with
basic parameters: http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/swf
2) in case room enter is performed from the wicket using:
http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/#room/7 for ex. The room is loaded, user
list is displayed, but lots of room features are not working (for ex. sent

According to the logs Red5 is unable to
find invitationservice.sendInvitationHash method.

Can you please help me to find out what is wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Maxim aka solomax

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