java.util.Date is actually container for "milliseconds from 01.01.1970" :))

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 11:50 AM, <> wrote:

> Hi Sebastien,
> thanks for those updates, I don't think we require anything from your side
> at the moment.
> About *storing in a GMT (or UTC ... )*
> Basically you can't store any kind of TimeZone information together with
> the Date object in a database.
> If you try to save an object java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar in a
> database it will simply cut away the timezone information. This behaviour
> is the same across all major database vendors, so that even ORMs like
> OpenJPA do note it their docs:
> The reason for that is that databases only have the field dateTime which
> is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.sss
> There is no space reserved in the database for the timezone.
> So the general solution might be that the date that you store in the
> database is always in the timezone of the (database) server. (And it makes
> a lot of sense to have database server and application server in the same
> timezone).
> If you mix the date/times in your database to store some in UTC and some
> in local time, simply queries might just return wrong values as the
> database does not know that it needs to consider the timezone different
> between certain fields.
> So I am not saying that nobody might save the dateTime in GTM or UTC in a
> database but whom-ever does it might create more issues then solving.
> I have seen a couple of such things, for instance in the PHP world it
> seems quite common that you convert everything into milliseconds since 1970
> instead of using appropriate date/time database fields :)))
> Just my 2 Cents :)
> Sebastian
> 2013/8/10 Sebastien <>
>> Hi Sebastien,
>> > newRequestHandler() should be public, otherwise you can't modify the
>> output really.
>> Well... I should have thought about this ;) But maybe you do not have to
>> override it, please see bellow...
>> >What was your major idea about timezone safe Calendar, is the basic idea
>> that every date/time on server side is always handled as if its in the
>> timezone of the server? So in other words: Any incoming date/time has to be
>> converted into the timezone of the server first, before doing anything with
>> it?
>> I did not had a precise idea on this because there is many way to achieve
>> this and I do not know your usecases/contraints exactly. But, if I had to
>> implement this, I would have l explored several ways:
>> At a first point, the strategy: should the *all* events be stored in a
>> GMT (or UTC, Coordinated Universal Time) timezone, or should they be stored
>> with the "correct" time with the user's timezone information. That's may be
>> a strange question but I am pretty sure google's calendar opted for the
>> first strategy. Then, it is easier to slice/display the same event in
>> different timezone.
>> The second point, is how the user timezone is handled. Or the timezone
>> information is sent by the browser or it is stored with the user account
>> (server side then)? Or you have a mix of both (the best). In my POV, the
>> timezone to be used is the one stored with the user account. But, you can
>> also use the browser's timezone to compare if both are the same. If not,
>> you can display a message like "Hey, your timezone is currently set to
>> Paris/France, but it seems that you are now in Tokyo/Japan, do you wish to
>> update your timezone?".
>> Then the third point, when (at that stage) the timezone information
>> should be used/applied? Should the timezone be used to retrieve the events
>> or should it be used to slice event dates after there have been retrieved,
>> in a GMT/UTC format? Probably both, depending of choices in point #1 & #2,
>> you may convert the user timezone to GMT/UTC, query the DB, and then slice
>> events to the user timezone. In that case, the first conversion should be
>> done in CalendarModelBehavior. But there is not need to rewrite
>> #newRequestHandler for this. If I supply a protected
>> CalendarModelBehavior#setStartDate/setEndDate(model, date) you are be good
>> enough with that. To slice the events to the user timezone after the
>> events-load, if CalendarModel extends ICalendarVisitor then it is easy to
>> update the event dates according to the user timezone.
>> I do not pretend it is the solution you have to put in place, maybe I
>> miss something according to your usecases/contraints, but that's the way I
>> would have think about this...
>> > I also see that you finetune the access rights on class and method
>> level quite heavily.
>> Yes, exactly to prevent user to miss-use the API. I agree that you may
>> have some flexibility in your case. But depending of your choices, maybe
>> you will *not* have to override #newRequestHandler
>> So, I:
>> - changed #newRequestHandler visibility to protected
>> - changed CalendarModel#setStart & CalendarModel#setEnd visibility to
>> public
>> - added CalendarModelBehavior#setStartDate &
>> CalendarModelBehavior#setEndDate(model, date)
>> - deployed 6.9.2-SNAPSHOT
>> Please tell what you think about this (if my explanations was clear
>> enough ;))
>> I will probably release 6.9.10 in the coming days (next friday at
>> latest), so if you need something else, that's the good moment...
>> Best regards,
>> Sebastien
>> On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 1:38 AM, <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Sebastien,
>>> we opted now to refactor our code to always display the UI in the
>>> timezone of the browser, so we don't have this issue anymore.
>>> However I was looking at your code and realized that still there are a
>>> couple of issues that make it impossible to show the Calendar in any other
>>> timezone then user or the server timezone:
>>> In the class CalendarModelBehaviour the method: private IRequestHandler
>>> newRequestHandler()
>>> should be public, otherwise you can't modify the output really.
>>> That is the major issue.
>>> What was your major idea about timezone safe Calendar, is the basic idea
>>> that every date/time on server side is always handled as if its in the
>>> timezone of the server? So in other words: Any incoming date/time has to be
>>> converted into the timezone of the server first, before doing anything with
>>> it?
>>> I also see that you finetune the access rights on class and method level
>>> quite heavily.
>>> Often classes are protected private or just private. For instance the
>>> methods setStart/setEnd in the CalendarModel.
>>> Having those finetuned access rights on an API is basically a good thing
>>> cause you can modularize your components and integrators only use the
>>> desired APIs, so you can change the core without affecting others. But its
>>> quite easy to overachieve that goal.
>>> Happy to hear more from your side, great work with that component!
>>> Cheers!
>>> Sebastian
> --
> Sebastian Wagner

Maxim aka solomax

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