On 17.11.2012 18:24, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> Apache OpenOffice at FOSDEM 2013, 2-3 February 2013, Brussels
> Apache OpenOffice (formerly OpenOffice.org) is coming again to
> FOSDEM in Brussels, for the first time as an Apache Top-Level
> Project. Our community has a new structure, friendly and open,
> and new developers are especially welcome.
> We invite submissions of talks for the Apache OpenOffice devroom,
> to be held on Saturday, 2 February 2013, 9.00 to 17.30.
> If you have something interesting to say about Apache OpenOffice
> or the ODF format from a technical point of view (code, extensions,
> localization, QA, tools... but also less known functions or creative
> ways to use the program) please share it with us!
> It doesn't need to be long or serious. Funny contributions are welcome
> as well. Just make sure to specify an estimated length for
> your talk, as well as a proposed title, description and a few lines
> about yourself.
> The deadline is Sunday, 23 December 2012. Accepted talks will be
> published by 10 January 2013. Limited funding may be available for
> accepted speakers in need.
> Please add your talk proposals to the following page:
> http://s.apache.org/fosdem-2013-proposals
> You can send any questions to our development mailing list:
> dev@openoffice.apache.org

Probably a SQ ("stupid question"): what is needed to become able to edit that 

Tried my Apache userid and password to no avail. Should I create a separate 
userid and passwd for
Confluence or could the Apache userid with passwd be used with a somehow 
different approach?


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