On 20.11.2012 19:20, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> Maybe the CFP e-mails could explicitly communicate the need to create
>> an own account with that Wiki? (Maybe there could be interested
>> speakers who may be shied away because they might have troubles to
>> quickly add a proposal to the Wiki?)
> I think it's a minor inconvenience, it shouldn't be enough to put people off. 
> Anyway, I've now edited
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/FOSDEM+2013+Proposals
> to make the signup information more visible.
>> Also, would you prefer rather many short/small (10min) presentations,
>> or rather few but long/large (30min)? Or does it not matter at all?
> No preferences, whatever the presenter sees most appropriate will be OK.
Thank you very much, Andrea!


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