On Fri, 1 Feb 2013 07:09:24 -0500
Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> As I've been reviewing the backlog of defect reports submitted by
> users I notice a lot of them that are probably caused by the upgrade
> profile corruption bug.   I see reports of this on Twitter and
> Facebook as well.   Most users seem smart enough to uninstall and
> reinstall.  They've learned that from other programs. It is pretty
> much the standard solution to crash problems -- uninstall and
> reinstall and you'll be fine.
> But in our case, that doesn't fix anything, since the profile is not
> removed when we uninstall.
> What if we added an option to delete the profile when uninstalling?
> I've seen many programs that do that.  It could be a page that says,
> "Delete application profile and settings?"  Default could be No, the
> same behavior we have today.  But this would give a far easier way for
> users to recover from profile corruption.
I think it might be better to rename the old profile to .BAK (or something) 
even if the User believes it to have been deleted; that way, custom 
dictionaries etc will be preserved and can be recovered.  It can happen that a 
long time user of OpenOffice can have customisation, but is not a technically 
informed user.

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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