
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Weir [mailto:robw...@apache.org] 
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 04:09
To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: An idea: Add option to delete profile when uninstalling

As I've been reviewing the backlog of defect reports submitted by
users I notice a lot of them that are probably caused by the upgrade
profile corruption bug.   I see reports of this on Twitter and
Facebook as well.   Most users seem smart enough to uninstall and
reinstall.  They've learned that from other programs. It is pretty
much the standard solution to crash problems -- uninstall and
reinstall and you'll be fine.

But in our case, that doesn't fix anything, since the profile is not
removed when we uninstall.

What if we added an option to delete the profile when uninstalling?
I've seen many programs that do that.  It could be a page that says,
"Delete application profile and settings?"  Default could be No, the
same behavior we have today.  But this would give a far easier way for
users to recover from profile corruption.


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