Hi Jan,

janI schrieb:

We have just completed the last optimization of wiki.o.o, which means that
it has entered maintenance mode.


There is one outstanding bugzilla issue, which will be implemented if we
can find a supported solution.

Now would be a good time to think about the other things we have discussed
- Move cwiki to mwiki.
    this has been discussed/decided earlier, but might need a positive
    I for one find it very confusing to look in 2 wikis for the same
information (e.g. build instructions)

I too. And I do not like cwiki at all.

- Mark outdated paged with category outdated, and symbol on page
   A lot of the information in wiki is outdated and superseeded by new
pages, its hard to find the correct info.

I think, that using the database directly it should be possible to search for pages, that are not changed for the last two years. Those are surely outdated or at least need a review.

   If outpdated paged had the category "outdated" it would be easy to change
search to excluded these

Coming from OOo does not mean, that they are no longer useful. But it needs a lot of work to look at every page. For example the Calc function reference is old, but not outdated. Perhaps we can use a category "Attic" for pages which are not changed recently and for which no one has looked, whether they are outdated. And the already existing category "outdated" for those pages, that are really outdated. Such "Attic"-pages need a header to warn the visitors, because often pages are found by a search engine.

Really outdated pages should be get a warning and date, when it was decided, that it is outdated. If available a link to an actual page should be added.

With such distinction it would be clear, that every page with is neither "outdated" nor "Attic" is actual and maintained.

And it would be possible to move pages with no change in the last two years to such "Attic" in the future too.

I would not use something like "need review" for it, because that might be needed for actual pages, which are newly created.

- Put categories on all pages, and structure the pages
   Due to the very limited maintenance the page structure and catagory usage
seems very random.

Yes. There are between 300 and 600 categories.
gives me two pages with 300 items.

I think we need an overview of the categories with two sections. The first section has a hierarchy of the general categories as tree and the second section has an alphabetic list of languages. Sub-categories of language categories should not be shown in such index. But it is the responsibility of the native language community to organize their native language pages.

Would it be possible to add a link to such an index and a help text on the frame page, that is shown in edit-mode?

We can hopefully expect high traffic volume when we release 4.0, which
gives a natural timelimit when the wiki should be streamlined. Unless of
course, the community does not find it embarrasing to have text like:

This section is partly outdated. Visit Apache
actual information."

on the front page, highlighting the priority of maintaining the wiki.

That was me, I had not much time when I changed it. But the start page should of cause be cleaned up.

Doing the work needed is too much for one person, it requires a small team.
And based on my experience touching information can generate a lot of
feelings, so the team should preferable contain enough "old" volunteers to
guarantee that the changes are done historically correct.

That will be difficult, because here are not so many "old" volunteers.

I will keep doing the running maintenance of the wiki2 server.

Thanks Jan. You are doing a great job.

Kind regards

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