On 1 March 2013 16:19, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> I apologize in advance for talking like a corporation.  But I think
> there is some good things we can borrow from corporate thinking, and
> one is to discuss and adopt long-term strategic plans.  The danger of
> not doing this is that continually focus on what is immediately in
> front of our eyes, working on short-term, urgent activities, but never
> accomplish the grand things that can only be done with a big effort
> over time.
> To me a strategic plan means we look at where things are today, what
> works, what doesn't.  Then we step back and ask ourselves what our
> goals should be over the next few years.  Maybe even the next year.
> But generally, thinking long-term, beyond the next release, beyond the
> activities that we already have on our plates.
> Developing a shared vision for where we want to go is critical to
> long-term success.
> As an example, I drafted some ideas on our websites and the challenges
> and opportunities there:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Website+Strategic+Plan
> A very good initative, I do feel however that bugzilla and svn are also
part of of our "outside" image and should be included.

I agree discussing and developing a shared vision is a requirement for a
long term success, but it needs to be coupled with the available resources
and possibilities, otherwise we might come to a vision that is unrealistic.

Jan I.

> I'd love to hear your thoughts, and see your improvements or corrections.
> I'd also encourage anyone who has an interest to draft a similar
> strategic plan for other areas, such as the AOO product itself,
> Documentation, Development process/Build, Marketing, etc.  Note: part
> of this is being honest about what is not working well, as what is
> working well.  So please be critical, but constructive.

> -Rob

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