Rob Weir wrote:
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Keith N. McKenna
<> wrote:
Given the negative press we have received in some quarters about having
dropped language translations, would it make sense to add a notice in the
Release Notes for 4.0.0 about languages that were available for 3.4.x but
not available for 4.0.0.

Negative press? Do you have a link?

Was remembering a conversation from this list awhile back, mostly rumblings from the blogs. Unfortunately a quick search of the archive wasn't able to uncover anything. May be just my memory is getting faulty with age.

Remember, we didn't drop anything.  For example, we had released no
translation of French 4.0 last week, because 4.0 was not done.   Now
that 4.0 is done and the translation is done, we can release both.
Does that mean we dropped French last week?  No it just means it was
not ready to release yet.

Rob I know we didn't drop anything and most of our users will know it also; however when we due a major release that does not include languages that where there before it will be noticed and commented on. The purpose of this post was not to rehash the minutia, but to solicit informed opinion as to whether an preemptive entry in the languages section of the release notes could help ward off some support requests and to give the people doing the support a place to point concerned people to.

When the same conditions are met for other languages, we release them
as well.  So we're not dropping anything.  We're merely releasing the
translations that are done now rather than waiting longer for the ones
that are still in progress.

We did the exact same thing before with AOO 3.4.1.

My personal feeling is that it would be good since it would give us a place
to direct user with support questions to for a definitive statement, but I
also recognize how controversial this topic can be.

I added a statement to the release notes explaining that more
translations are coming and telling how interested parties can
volunteer to help.  Is that good enough?

Whether it is good enough is not for me to decide but it does accomplish the intent of the initial question.



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