I'm working on https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=122927
I delivered patch to the issue, please help to review.

Root Cause:
In 121126, although in description it only mentioned format code issue,
actually the fix is not only for format code but also for output string for
logic formula cell. The second one introduced this issue.
I think the change for output string change for logic formulas is
reasonable because before 12666, from 12666's sample file, a cell with
formula "=2>1" will return 1.0. It is very strange. It should return "TRUE"
like that in MS Excel.
So my fix will based on 12666. The root cause is for logic formula cells,
fix code of 12666 forcibly set output string to true or false. But many AOO
users had manner already that set number format to logic formula cells.
That's different with Excel. In Excel, no matter what number format you set
to logic formula cells, the output strings are always true and false.
In the sample of this issue, users set number format to currency, because
of the forcibly setting, the string changed.

My solution is to add checking for logic formula cells, if their output
number formats are certain category like number, currency, date, time, etc,
we will not change the output string. but if no certain format categories
were applied, for logic formula cells, will change output string to true
and false.

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