On 01-Dec-2013, at 18:03, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Some distros make it very difficult for the typical Linux end user to
> install  anything NOT in the distro's repository. This is NOT why I
> switched to Linux, I can assure you.

It's only—only—been my experience with Ubuntu. With *all* other LInuxes, I get 
joy. (I've not used all there are, I refer just to those I've used; and at 
that, via my virtualized environment. Ubuntu pretends to the ease of OS X but 
is actually more—!!—tight with proprietary constraints, if you can imagine 
that: if it don't come from Canonical, it ain't canonical.)
>> (At any rate, that's what I would mean. Given the choice of OSs, for a lot
>> of stuff I tend toward Linux. It's easier. But I tend then toward
>> non-Canonical Linuxes. Even easier.)
>> And try installing OOo in the latest Ubuntu *as a non-developer.* Tell us
>> about it :-).
> I have only used one Linux distro since I started. I do not use Ubuntu and
> likely never will. I got away from MS because of all kinds of restrictions
> and I don't need to trade one environment like that for another.

Quite. And I love Linux (and also, for that matter, OS X) because it's logical 
in its layout and thus easy to navigate, work with, use. Whereas I dislike 
MSFT's Windows because it is seemingly arbitrary in layout and operation; and 
though one can finally *get* that its logic is about property (MY MY MY 
things), still, one must then deal with mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle 
lazy divey and not mares and does and lambs scarfing oats & ivy.)

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