If you look at the SourceForge page you'll see that shows 99.7 million


But that number includes the downloads of Language Packs.  The more
conservative number that we report on the blog has always been the
number of full product downloads.  So if someone downloads AOO and
also downloaded a Language Pack it would be counted as only a single

The number of full-product downloads is around 95 million.  So we
still have a little more to go before we pop the champagne.  Maybe
around ApacheCon next month we'll hit 1 million.  Sooner if we count
beta downloads, but I'd recommend against counting beta downloads.

In any case, it is not too early to start thinking about what we want
to do to publicize the 100 million number, when we do hit it.

We'll do a blog post, of course.  It would be awesome if we could
design a special "100,000,000 downloads" logo that we could use on the
website.  Also, some better looking infographics would be nice.  You
can see what I typically produce, rather bland charts more suitable
for a scientific report:


I'm sure someone with more design sense could make something much
better with the data.   (and of course I can provide the updated data)

Any other ideas?


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