On 5 March 2014 20:47, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> If you look at the SourceForge page you'll see that shows 99.7 million
> downloads:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/openofficeorg.mirror/files/stats/timeline?dates=2011-11-29+to+2014-03-18
> But that number includes the downloads of Language Packs.  The more
> conservative number that we report on the blog has always been the
> number of full product downloads.  So if someone downloads AOO and
> also downloaded a Language Pack it would be counted as only a single
> download.
> The number of full-product downloads is around 95 million.  So we
> still have a little more to go before we pop the champagne.  Maybe
> around ApacheCon next month we'll hit 1 million.  Sooner if we count
> beta downloads, but I'd recommend against counting beta downloads.
> In any case, it is not too early to start thinking about what we want
> to do to publicize the 100 million number, when we do hit it.
> We'll do a blog post, of course.  It would be awesome if we could
> design a special "100,000,000 downloads" logo that we could use on the
> website.  Also, some better looking infographics would be nice.  You
> can see what I typically produce, rather bland charts more suitable
> for a scientific report:
> https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/75_million_downloads_of_apache
> I'm sure someone with more design sense could make something much
> better with the data.   (and of course I can provide the updated data)
> Any other ideas?

If we reach 100 before april 7, I suggest all the openoffice speakers
mention this in the prelude to their talks. Even 95 million is a factor
more than any other ASF project (to my best knowledge).

If somebody with drawing skills, could make a "near 100 million" logo
before march 24, I will for sure add it to my first slide.

jan I.

> -Rob
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