On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
> Rob Weir wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 3:52 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>> Dave Fisher wrote:
>>>> No links to snapshots from the website. It is ASF policy.
>>> It is not ASF policy. It is the way we have interpreted it so far.
> I'm moving this to an own thread as per Juergen's request (but this IS
> release-relevant: I'd like to have more visibility for dev builds in the
> weeks leading to 4.1). And I'm leave the snippet above just to say that
> "Policy forbids this" is not a killer argument in this case. If the Apache
> policy gets in the way, we are probably applying it too conservatively, and
> I heave elements to believe this is the case.
>> The problem is we cannot control what 3rd parties do.  They can easily
>> deep-link to our dev build page directly, bypassing any "warning" page
>> that they might have.
>> Of course, they could do that today, to ci.apache.org, if they knew about
>> it.
> Indeed, you already guessed the answer yourself: there's nothing preventing
> people to link to ci.apache.org right now. And that link shows up first in
> search engines for "openoffice daily builds". So if we put an intermediate
> page with a proper disclaimer this will actually help to get the message
> straight.
>> When 3rd parties promote unofficial builds, we can run into the
>> following problems:
>> 1) Users get a lower-quality product and this hurts our brand reputation
>> 2) The developer builds may not meet all ASF release requirements ...
>> 3) We do not offer upgrade notifications for developer builds.
> These can happen, but the whole point is that end users won't get those
> builds. Direct links to binaries are impossible since URLs change every
> day/week; links to pages on ci.apache.org without explanations will not
> result in downloads but in puzzled users (we show a mix of everything from
> SDK to console logs...). Let me add, Infra will let us know very quickly if
> end users start downloading daily builds.

This is good to know.  I had not noticed that the URLs for the
binaries encoded the revision number, so the danger of deep links to
them is diminished.

>> Was there something that did not work with sharing the ci.apache.org
>> address on the dev and qa lists?
> That is the key question. Here are some more explanations.
> What I propose: add a link "Development builds" to the column on the right
> hand side of http://www.openoffice.org/download/ ; the link leads to
> http://www.openoffice.org/download/devbuilds.html (a page Dave objected to;
> I've put a large DRAFT disclaimer on top, and I hope we can keep the page
> online during this discussion for convenience); this page gives all
> necessary disclaimers, ways to get involved and links to the dev builds.
> Why would it be helpful?
> 1) Because links shared by e-mail simply have not worked well so far.
> Localization volunteers, for example, are confused on how/when/where dev
> builds are made available, if they are available for their platform and in
> their language and so on. If they know that there is a path from the
> download page their life will be easier and our product more tested.

We do have links in other pages, pages intended specifically for
project volunteers, e.g.:
http://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/intro-qa.html.   So I have
nothing against this info being shared with volunteers.  It should be
shared with them.  My concern was putting the info on our main
download page which is a public-facing page designed for end users.
This page is 2nd only to our index.html home page.  It is a very
prominent place to put something like this.

But I'll say this:  If it is abused, we'll know about it quickly and
can change the page and links.  So the risk of giving this a try is

> 2) Because it allows to enlarge our community. Power users periodically scan
> our download pages looking for "something new", especially in this period.
> They are likely unaware of our daily builds. But if we manage to make them
> aware both that daily builds exist and that they exist as part of a
> community QA effort we might get a few new good QA volunteers for version
> 4.1.0. If you notice, the proposed intermediate page also gives information
> on how to join QA. By the way, this would also help with perception: even
> those who will never try those builds can see that there are constant
> improvements, happening in an open environment.

>> Other solutions:
>> 1) ... If the goal is to have only project members
>> download, then put it on a page that only project members read
> Kay's improvements to
> http://openoffice.staging.apache.org/developer-faqs.html#where_can_i_download_developer_builds
> (to fix: both Raphael's and Ariel's builds are very outdated at the moment
> so they shouldn't be mentioned) are complementary to what I propose.
>> 2) Add some authentication on the actual developer build download
>> page.   Ideally, tie it having a BZ account.
> This is an unnecessary effort; contributing should be easy.
>> 3) Put a date-based expiration into developer builds, to discourage
>> long-term use.
> I like this. Well, not a literal date-based expiration since it has an
> old-fashioned "Trial version expired" effect. But pointing the update
> information to a page where we explain to the user that he is running a dev
> build meant only for testing could help.

Also, maybe have the developer builds have a different splash screen
and logo, like we do with the beta, so it clear what the status is.

> Of course, if we keep the discussion open until April it will become useless
> to my intended purpose. But I would see it as a missed opportunity to
> enlarge the community. And this project, like all projects, should never
> waste opportunities.

We'd enhance this if we had a "report bug" link on the help menu,
maybe also a link to our "get involved" page in the Help/About page.



> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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