Responses to the dev mailing list only, please, so we can avoid
fragmenting the discussion.



133 responses

"Where did you first hear about the Apache OpenOffice Beta?"

OpenOffice announcement mailing list   44.36%
OpenOffice development mailing list   6.77%
OpenOffice users mailing list  11.28%
OpenOffice Community Forum  0.75%
OpenOffice website 9.02%
OpenOffice Project Blog 2.26%
Facebook 3.01%
Twitter  1.50%
Google+  6.02%
News article  3.01%
Other  6.77%
No answer  5.26%

[Rob:  Did we not mention the Beta on the Forum?

Other: mentioned web searches and coverage on other mailing lists,
e.g., an NVDA mailing list.]

What is your relationship to the Apache OpenOffice project?

User  81.95%
Project volunteer  6.02%
Other 2.26%
No answer 9.77%

[Rob: Good, we're getting users not just the same people who already
tried the RC]

Why did you decide to download and install the Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Beta?

I wanted to test my extension, workflow or other system to make sure
it worked with 4.1  5.26%

I was curious to see what was coming in the next release of
OpenOffice.  63.91%
I hoped that Beta would fix a problem I was having with an earlier
version of OpenOffice. 18.05%

I wanted to help test OpenOffice project by offering my early feedback 23.31%

I wanted to help improve the quality of OpenOffice by looking for bugs
in the Beta 23.31%

Other 6.77%  [Rob:  Half of "other" mentioned specific interest
testing accessibility.]

What language version(s) of the Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Beta did you use?

Dutch (nl)  2.26%
Danish (da) 1.50%
German (de) 6.02%
Polish (pl)  2.26%
English, British (en-GB) 27.07%
English, American (en-US) 50.38%
Spanish (es) 6.02%
Basque (eu) 0.75%
French (fr) 4.51%
Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) 4.51%
Italian (it)  0.75%
Tamil (ta) 1 0.75%
Chinese, traditional (zh-TW) 0.75%

[Rob: Room for improvement here.  We lacked beta downloads for many of
of languages, including new translations like Hindi and Bulgarian.
Maybe next time we should link about how we can work with translators
to find ways of getting native language groups to know about the new
translation.  The new translations are the ones that would benefit
most from beta feedback, right?]

Did you install an additional Language Pack for use with the Apache
OpenOffice 4.1 Beta?

Yes 10.53%
No  77.44%
No answer 12.03%

What Language Pack(s) did you install with the Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Beta?

Bulgarian (bg) 7.69%
Greek (el) 7.69%
Portuguese (pt) 15.38%
English, British (en-GB) 15.38%
English, American (en-US) 7.69%
Spanish (es) 7.69%
French (fr)  23.08%
Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) 15.38%
Italian (it)  7.69%
Tamil (ta) 7.69%

What platform version of OpenOffice 4.1 Beta did you use?

Windows  72.18%
Mac OS  13.53%
Linux-32  4.51%
Linux-64 14.29%

What version(s) of Windows did you use?

Windows XP 15.62%
Windows Vista  6.25%
Windows 7  71.88%
Windows 8  5.21%
Windows 8.1 16.67%

What version(s) of Mac OS did you use?

10.5  0.00%
10.6  0.00%
10.7  11.11%
10.8  0.00%
10.9  0.00%
10.9.1  0.00%
10.9.2  88.89%

What distro/version of Linux did you use? (free text field)

10 Ubuntu's
1 XUbuntu
1 Kubuntu
2 OpenSuse
1 PCLinuxOS
2 Mint
1 Fedora
2 Debian

Did you install and use any Extensions with Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Beta?

Yes 16.54%
No  66.92%
No answer 16.54%

What Extensions did you use?

[ Rob: 22 Responses.  Before giving the list I'll mention 2 responses
noted problems:

1) Presentation Minimize not working (not details)

2)  Presenter Console 1.1.0, PDF Import 1.0.4 won't install

3) User needed to install Pt dictionary since it was missing in the
install set and Langpack

presentation minimizer.
Oracle Presenter Console 1.1.0,
PDF Import 1.0.4
English (Canadian)
Dictionary and spelling (italian, spanish, french and English), epub
binder, perfectepub and write2epub,pdfimport, pagination, Mysql
Crop - Epubgenerator - Diccionarios - Alba
ClipArt by
PDF import for Apache OpenOffice
Basic IDE Tools
ooEs Palette
SmART Extension
PhotoAlbum ES
Portuguese dictionary
various dictionaries
English spelling and hyphenations dictionaries and thesaurus
Sun Report
Anaphraseus, Magenta Chemistry, OpenCards 1.5.1, PDF Import,
PicoSvoxOOo, SuperbChemistry.
Epub Writer
PDF import
Code 128 Barcodes For OpenOffice Calc

How many hours did you spend using/testing the OpenOffice 4.1 Beta?

117 responses.  Total time 1463 hours (or 61 days) of additional test
effort.  Average use time 12.5 hours.

Which OpenOffice applications did you use from the Beta?

Writer 87.22%
Calc 57.14%
Impress  27.07%
Draw 19.55%
Base  16.54%

[Rob: Glad to see that Base got some attention.]

Which of the following new features did you try?

64-bit Mac support  7.52%
Integrated iAccessible2  4.51%
Annotations of text ranges in Writer. 24.81%
In-place editing of text fields in Writer  31.58%
Interactive image crop feature for Impress and Draw 15.79%
Enhanced support for 3D charts 12.03%

Did you encounter any serious problems in your use of Apache
OpenOffice 4.1 that you did not already report to us via  Bugzilla or
our mailing lists?

Yes 11.28%
No 73.68%
No answer 15.04%

Please describe the issue(s) you encountered.

1. [Mac OS 10.9.2 user]

When I open old openoffice docs, it tells me that all fields cannot be
opened, but it looks fine when it's opened.

Also, when I save a doc, it tells me that there is an error, that it
didn't save it when in fact it really did save it.

2. Cant install on Ubuntu, No deb file, No PPA, Just one install file

3. [Windws 8.1 user]

 After installing and using, the program will not open again. The
computer must be rebooted to get the Open Office Beta to restart. This
event has occurred several times.

4 [Windows 7 user].

A. In OO Calc all Formulas already set will change to REF, when any of
the linked file is causing problem.

B. Sometimes it showing like macros are disabled, when opening any
Calc file. And we cannot remove that also.

C. We cannot set date format like dd/mm/yyyy

D. It's too slow when opening OO calc containing more than 20 sheets.

E. After we open any excel file containing page break, then any other
file will open after restarting the system.

5 [Linux Mint user]

OpenOffice Base

Create a simple query
Define the order of fields
Save the query

Open in design mode the query
Order are lost!!!

Open in SQL view the query
Order is correct!!!

6. [Windows XP user]

desktop icon did not work
did not pickup all personal settings
backup path
load save options
tab stops setting
default basic font
footnote setting in default page in writer


A. NVDA is unable to report justification (left, right, centered, etc)
information when using its shortcut key NVDA+F for formatting summary.
Other font info, such as attributes and font, is reported.

B. with NVDA, after making changes to text attributes via the context
menu in a Writer document, I am unable to move the cursor with
ctrl+left/right arrows until I clear the selection by pressing down

8. [Ubuntu 13.10 user] Crashes on start.

9. Invisible scrollbars

10.  [Windows 8.1 user] Worked well, and then suddenly stopped
functioning entirely. Can no longer open OpenOffice 4.1

11. [Windows 7 user] The first time I used it the program just stopped
after 30 minutes

11. AOO Beta seems not to work well with screen reader in dialog boxes
in Calc and Writer. Screen reader is NVDA.

12. [OpenSuse user] No desktop integration, but that might be normal
in a beta release

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