Rob Weir wrote:
Responses to the dev mailing list only, please, so we can avoid
fragmenting the discussion.

A lot of nice stuff here.

[Rob:  Did we not mention the Beta on the Forum? ]

Indeed, I don't see it in the announcements of the English forum, even though it was announced in other forums. But I believe that the main reason for a low percentage of people who had heard that the Beta was available through the forum is simply that your survey was not announced on the forum.

What Extensions did you use?
[ Rob: 22 Responses.  Before giving the list I'll mention 2 responses
noted problems:
1) Presentation Minimize not working (not details)
2)  Presenter Console 1.1.0, PDF Import 1.0.4 won't install

Presentation Minimizer is now integrated (Tools menu in Impress), so it doesn't make sense to install it.

The Presenter Console is now integrated too, right?

And PDF Import 1.0.4... well, see ; if one tries to install an extension that has a description beginning with "If you are using Apache OpenOffice 4.0 or later, you must use another version: PDF Import for Apache OpenOffice" then it's normal that it won't work.

Though, we should have blacklisted all of these, and possibly more, in the 3.x -> 4.x upgrade process.

Please describe the issue(s) you encountered.

[ keeping only those where I can give some feedback; but all of them are worth a look ]

2. Cant install on Ubuntu, No deb file, No PPA, Just one install file

It is a .tar.gz file that the user should extract. There's plenty of documentation on the Forum on how to deal with this. But I agree that people who are really scared of the command line may find this difficult.

8. [Ubuntu 13.10 user] Crashes on start.

We also have reports saying that it works normally with Ubuntu 13.10. This should be investigated but with no details we can't do much.

12. [OpenSuse user] No desktop integration, but that might be normal
in a beta release

Yes, this was intentional.


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