Another update, seems this weekend I've my productive phase: ;-)

What was done:

- Grey box:

  - Bye, bye grey color - hello green freshness.
  - The select boxes are prefilled with the browser guessed data.
  - The information link has now a (i) icon.
  - Added a "Report broken link" - pointing to the debug webpage.
    The icon alone is maybe not meaningful enough, therefore an
    additional text link.
    (Of course the debug webpage needs further work to really work as
    report function.)
  - All not primary important data are now in the sub-box.
    Now it looks more clean.

- Green box:

  - All not primary important data are now in the sub-box.
    Now it looks more clean and the focus is set for downloading only.

- Links:

  - I've moved and deleted links and also adjusted the headlines.
  - In the nav bar as well as in the colored boxes.
  - Of course it's just a suggestion and can be discussed/changed.

What is not yet working:

- The version drop-down-box has still no effect for others than 4.1.0.
  It's a bigger effort as I've to take into account every
  available build for every release in the past.
- The [Reset] button is now not working as expected, however maybe
  it's indeed no longer necessary?

  What do you think?

What are the next steps:

- Make the version drop-down-box work for older releases.
- Improve the styling of the both download links.
- Combine the both green boxes.

- And further suggestions from you.

Thanks in advance for testing. :-)


Am 05/03/2014 12:41 AM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
I've done some further work.

What is working:

- Filesizes are shown for selected full install + langpack.
- Checksum links are shown for selected full install + langpack.
- When choices are done a little help icon is shown. Click on it to get
to a help text for "full install vs. langpack".
- Some release data is shown like in the green box.

What is not yet working:

- The version dropdown box has no effect yet but it shows already how
it could work (likely).

- I've not tested with all browsers. So, maybe something is not working.

What are the next steps:

- Reduce the additional links in the green box and re-work in the right
hand nav bar - delete duplicates, change order/positions, delete if
not needed here, etc.

In general, this should result in a clean-up.

- Make the version drop-down box work to choose from older releases.

After that I'll publish a new update to the webpage and go on with your
further comments and suggestions.

So, please have a look and don't hesitate to comment.



Am 04/29/2014 12:40 AM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
Thanks a lot for your input.

A few of them (delete some obviously not needed text, make the choice
order of the drop-dwn boxes irrelevant) are already committed. But the
most need more time.

Please don't expect to have this full-featured for the AOO 4.1.0
release. I need more time to do all this. Luckily the need work-free
days are coming. :-)


Am 04/27/2014 08:19 PM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
Hi all,

while enjoying the Easter time I made some progress about a long-term

- Downloading the offered file via the green box is fast and easy
- Downloading a different file than the offered is not

Via the big table on the "other.html" is now easy to maintain for us but
has no improvement for the user as it is large and complex.

Therefore I've thought of making another offer directly on the main
download webpage:

Please don't look too close to look & feel - sure the grey color is not
the best one ;-) - this can and will be improved for sure.

For now please have a look for the functionality via the drop-down boxes
and the then created links below them.

What do you think? is this a direction we can/should go in general?
Or do you have complete different thoughts?

Thanks in advance.


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