Am Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014 um 13:55 schrieb Mathias Röllig:
> Hello Rory!
> No answer till now!?
> > Now that OO 4.1 is released (and the tidy up of loose ends is in
> > progress), perhaps it is time to start discussion on proposals for
> > improvements and additions to OO 5.0.
> >  
> > Where should this best be done?
> Is here the best place? And how should it be discussed - every  
> suggestion in one thread or one thread for one AOO module?
> What should be the main intention for acceptable improvements and additions?
here is of course the place where  we discuss future releases.  

Anybody can propose things and we can discuss it.  

For IBM we have clear priority for the future and that is OOXML and we will
propose and discuss details soon. But I hope others have ideas as well ... We 
know that developer resources are limited, nobody should expect that others do 
the work.
We will try to find a compromise between our ideas and priorities and general 
bug fixing and other ideas. But I believe that we set our priorities in a way 
that help the project to grow and help the project forward.

> Greetings, Mathias
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