Am 06/06/2014 08:54 AM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
Marcus (OOo) wrote:
sure both buttons should react independent of each other. I've fixed
Regarding the styling, this is indeed really a question of taste. To see
the difference maybe better, I've styled both buttons different.

I like the style that I now see for the first button (full version):
dark text on light background, that becomes light text on dark
background at hovering.

I can't see the same effect on the second button (I don't know if this
is a bug or if it is what you mean with "styled different"): I see both
buttons styled the same way (dark text on light background) when not
hovering, then if I hover over the second nothing changes.

yes, that was what I meant to see the difference.

OK, it seems dark text on light background is the wished style. At least from Kay's and your feedback.

I will not stress this topic any further as it seems difficult to reach the goal that at least a majority is happy. ;-)

For the rest, really impressive improvements!

And let me add to this that the new analyze.html page is really nice too.

Great. For now I'll leave this dev@ mailing list to report download problems. If it gets to many mails then we can re-think this.


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