On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 9:30 AM, jan i <j...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi
> There was quite a number of AOO meetings in Budapest, with different
> constellasions of people.
> Of course no decisions were made, that needs to happen in here, but
> expectations were set. Just to mention one, bring out a release fast, with
> a few bug fixes and digital signing. Some of us was also asked if we would
> give a hand under given circumstances.
> From my work with infra earlier this year we know that digital signing is
> not a matter of programming, but merely a matter of release work,
> Maybe its just me, but it seems all of the above is forgotten, at least I
> cannot see any mentions on this ML.

Regarding the next release. Of course, most of us have no idea what the
discussion in Budapest actually entailed with respect to this, but the
latest discussion  can be found from this link --


My take on the above is that a goal before the next release was to have a
complete buildbot infrastructure in place at Apache to spin binaries from
that rather than the previous process.

We also received an update on this list from Andrea on some of the
discussions with infra at ApacheConEU. See --


With respect to CentOS 5, we need both a 32-bit and 64-bit on CentOS 5. Can
you tell us anything about that?

We do need volunteers to help with the CentOS 5 builbot setups at some
point once the VMs are established.

In summary, we have some tasks to do before springing into action on the
next release.

> I would have loved to see some of the things come to life, and wanted to
> help. However life must go. on, and just waiting for the sake if waiting
> does not seem like a sensible thing to do.
> My question is (the same as in budapest) do we want to get things moving
> and who wants to make a difference ?
> AOO is a great project, please lets not kill it by silence and lack of
> activiy....if YOU care time is right to help.
> just my opinion.
> rgds
> jan i
> --
> Sent from My iPad, sorry for any misspellings.


"There's a bit of magic in everything,
  and some loss to even things out."
                            -- Lou Reed

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