> Hi, I am pretty much a noob and have only started out
> contributing, but may I ask why moving to Java from C++ is being
> considered? This migration will take effort and time, and I was
> of the understanding that C++ code runs faster than Java.
> Thanks Jatin

I am also wondering about end user memory requirements with a Java
move. See: http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/source/sys_reqs_aoo41.html

for our current System Requirements.

In my experience, fine tuning a JVM to work properly for whatever it
is you're doing has been VERY tricky.

I don't disagree that moving to Java would simplify some our
maintenance aspects, but I'm generally concerned about performance
in this kind of environment.

> On 11/8/15, 8:48 PM, "Fernando Cassia" <fcas...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton
>> <orc...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> There has been suggestion, and some expressed support, for
>>> AOO becoming a Java application.
>> +1 I think it would be nice. Previous work on Java based office
>> suites show promise and that this is possible.
>> Cases in point:
>> 1. ThinkFree Office 
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThinkFree_Office 
>> http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reviews/1579/1/ (the
>> biggest annoyance back when I tried it were jagged fonts, but
>> the Java platform has gained support for font hinting in later
>> releases and even HiDPI fonts in Java9).
>> 2. JoeOffice 
>> http://www.infoworld.com/article/2614544/office-software/java-developer-says-he-built--launched-basic-open-source-office-suite-in-30-days.html
Promising work, based on the Netbeans Platform.
>> 3.xfy (now: xMetal) 
>> http://www.infoworld.com/article/2671944/application-development/reinventing-the-office-suite.html
Never tried it, but the above article makes some good points.
>>> 1. NO STANDING-STILL ASSUMPTION. My first assumption is that
>>> one can't cease Apache OpenOffice maintenance and support
>>> while something like a redevelopment on Java occurs. It is
>>> pretty unthinkable that development of a Java version can be
>>> accomplished inside the release cycle (even the past lengthy
>>> cycle), and that migration from AOO as we know it can't be
>>> done like throwing a switch on the universe.
>> Of course not, Still, the umbrella AOO project can produce and
>> DOES produce AOO for several platforms, right, well, Java is a
>> platform too. "AOO for Java" or "AOO Java" sounds about right.
>> Independent of work on the C/C++ codebase.
>>> 2. FORKING TO MAKE AOO4J?  One could consider making a
>>> project fork.
>> The word "fork" only has negative connotations and very little
>> positives, if you ask me. Think about all the negative
>> headlines that could be written with that word.
>> No thanks, I prefer "AOO extended to support Java" (AOO for
>> Java or AOO Java).
>> Remember that "Open Office" (the brand name recognition /
>> mindshare) is AOO's main asset. Even if you guys re-released
>> "Joe's Office" with an Apache Open Office brand name attached
>> to it, I bet you would get 10x more users than whatever "Joe's
>> Office" was able to achieve. ;)
>> Why not join forces and invite the "Joe's Office" developer to
>> such a project? Just thinking aloud.
>> Just my $0.02 FC
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