Patricia Shanahan wrote:
> On 9/26/2016 8:26 PM, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
>> Patricia Shanahan wrote:
>>> On 9/26/2016 8:01 PM, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
>>>> Patricia Shanahan wrote:
>>>>> I had foolishly assumed that editing the Wiki would be reasonably
>>>>> easy.
>>>>> It isn't.
>>>>> I need to add a child page to
>>>>>, and
>>>>> don't
>>>>> see an "Add Page" link.
>>>> Patricia;
>>>> I have added the child page for 4.1.3 based on the 4.1.2 page. It will
>>>> need to be edited to bring it up to date.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Keith
>>> Thanks, but I don't seem to have editing privileges either, and need to
>>> create other pages, such as, most urgently, the release notes. How do
>>> you get child page creation and editing privileges?
>> Patricia;
>> I have created a Release notes page from our Release Notes template
>> already. I will check your cwiki privileges and update them as necessary.
> Thanks
I have checked the permissions on your cwiki account and you have
permissions to add pages, add and delete comments and add and delete
attachments. If you are still having trouble, reply to the list and I
our one of the other admins will look into it further.


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