Objective C? Yacc? Cygwin? Custom compiler flags to disable C++ exception
handling, build some files with optimizations disabled?

Our build systems are not our biggest problem. Meson, or SCons, or others,
could be good if we were starting a new project. We aren't. We are
maintaining one we poorly understand.

Porting to Meson will not be any easier than porting to gbuild. Writing
gbuild code becomes easy with practice. *Understanding* dmake / build.lst /
d.lst is hard...

I've spend the last day trying to port several more modules to gbuild. I've
succeeded with main/fileaccess, main/io and main/package, but ran into
walls with main/rdbmaker and main/store. Dmake apparently has ways to name
libraries that gbuild can neither produce nor find (eg. libstore.so.3,
libreg.so.3). These culprits use the evil UNIXVERSIONNAMES setting which
generates such names:



On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 8:52 PM, Pedro Giffuni <p...@apache.org> wrote:

> http://mesonbuild.com/
>      Features
>  * multiplatform support for Linux, OSX, Windows, Gcc, Clang, Visual
>    Studio and others
>  * supported languages include C, C++, Fortran, Java, Rust
>  * build definitions in a very readable and user friendly non-turing
>    complete DSL
>  * cross compilation for many operating systems as well as bare metal
>  * optimized for extremely fast full and incremental builds without
>    sacrificing correctness
>  * built-in multiplatform dependency provider that works together with
>    distro packages
>  * fun!

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