Hi Michael,

Small corrections inside:

Am 17.09.19 um 09:57 schrieb Dr. Michael Stehmann:
> Hello,
> we are planning to join next FOSDEM like we did in the past. To get a
> booth (stand) we have to write a request. The deadline for this request
> will come soon.
> Among other things we have to answer two questions. With help from Peter
> I sketched a text for this purpose.
> Feel free to criticize this draft:
> """
> Description of project(s) for publication:
> Apache OpenOffice is the Free and Open Productivity Suite to handle
> office tasks. The roots of Apache OpenOffice go back more than twenty
> years, creating a mature and powerful product.

Apache OpenOffice is a Free and Open Productivity Suite to handle
office tasks. The roots of Apache OpenOffice go back more than twenty
years, creating a mature and powerful product.

> The software looks and feels familiar and is instantly usable by anyone
> who has used a competitive product. It has many millions of users and
> still millions of downloads each year.

The software looks and feels familiar and is instantly usable by anyone
who has used a competitive product. It has many millions of users and
still millions of downloads every year.

> Apache OpenOffice is supported by a global community of friendly
> volunteers, happy to provide assistance to newcomers and advanced users
> alike.
> Why does it fit FOSDEM?
> Apache OpenOffice is one of most popular Free Software products as in

Apache OpenOffice is one of most popular Free Software products in

> europe and worldwide and has a long history of project development. With
> only a few volunteers left, we struggle to satisfy the needs and wishes
> of our users. FOSDEM is one of the best occasions to meet new developers
> and to interest them in our project. We will use the stand to present
> the needs we have. This ranges from web design and programming over
> application and extension development, towards documentation,
> translation and community management in popular media.
> """
> I am no native speaker, so please improve my poor english.

I am not a native speaker, too. So my corrections may be inappropriate.



> Kind regards
> Michael

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