Hi Damjan,

Am 27.04.22 um 19:11 schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
> Thank you Matthias.
> Not too happy to use Github, but here is the pull request:
> https://github.com/apache/openoffice/pull/146

Thanks, Git makes it a lot easier for me to build...

BTW: Is it OK when I cherry-pick your other two commits to AOO42X?



> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 5:44 PM Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de>
> wrote:
>> Hi Damjan,
>> Sounds great!
>> Can we have that as a Pull Request?
>> Regards,
>>    Matthias
>> Am 26.04.22 um 19:56 schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 9:57 PM Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>>> I'm gonna look into the serf->(lib)curl option... Since we don't use any
>>> of the fancy features of serf, I'm thinking that the easy option might be
>>> best
>> Hi
>> I've ported our WebDAV content provider module from Serf to Curl.
>> While it ended well, and several other bugs were found and fixed, it
>> definitely wasn't the "easy option" Jim ;). Starting with conservative
>> changes, it ended up needing total restructuring, and became more of a
>> rewrite. The crashes were frequent and hung connections many, and I had to
>> read up on the HTTP protocol, and read Curl and Serf's source code, but
>> eventually I prevailed, and a clean elegant stable Curl WebDAV module
>> emerged.
>> The huge patch is attached for anyone wishing to review and test. Unless
>> there are major objections, I'll push it in a couple of days.
>> It builds and works well on FreeBSD and Windows.
>> Most of the code was reused, and all the operations and semantics
>> previously present with Serf, should have been preserved.
>> Browsing WebDAV files and directories, loading files, overwriting them
>> ("Save"), creating them ("Save As"), renaming and deleting them, all works.
>> HTTP and HTTPS proxies work. Unlike Serf, Curl could also support SOCKS
>> proxies (with minimal further changes), but AOO lacks that setting in the
>> proxy UI and configuration.
>> Authentication works, both to the destination server and to the proxy
>> server. I've successfully tested Basic and Digest authentication. Curl
>> supports every authentication method Serf does and more.
>> HTTPS works, with a custom certificate verification function, using our
>> own certificate store from NSS and its API (like the Serf code used). A bug
>> was discovered (which is in the Serf implementation too) where self-signed
>> certificates were being unconditionally rejected; apparently NSS wants to
>> see that a copy of that certificate  in its certificate chain parameter
>> too. Now they work, and the user gets prompted to allow access.
>> HTTPS and authentication can be used together on the same connection and
>> work well, both bringing up their UI dialogs as needed.
>> A bug was fixed where when username and password were both present in the
>> URL (dav://user:pass@host/path), the code was trying to split them at the
>> "@" instead of ":".
>> Unnecessary base64 encoding and decoding was removed, when importing the
>> TLS connection's certificates into our XSecurityEnvironment. They now come
>> in directly as ASN.1 DER, and still work.
>> The code was greatly restructured and cleaned up, as Curl's API is
>> synchronous and blocking, with parameters set in advance instead of through
>> many callbacks, which has allowed using short clear methods, and clean
>> separation between the session and request classes. The WebDAV content
>> provider has shrunk from 35 to 21 C++ files, 43 to 29 header files, and
>> 19129 to 15991 lines of code. With WebDAV methods centralized and
>> refactored into only 10-20 lines of code each, instead of scattered across
>> 4 files, it is much more understandable and maintainable now.
>> Curl is vastly more portable than Serf. We should build easily now even on
>> OS/2. We can remain with existing build tools instead of needing scons or
>> cmake just to build Serf.
>> 3 now unused dependencies were removed: apr, apr-util, and serf. Serf
>> isn't so bad. APR's pool idea is an ingenious way of doing resource
>> management in C. However Curl has excellent documentation, guides,
>> examples, and detailed explanations and even example code for each setting,
>> while Serf has no documentation. Serf might be worth it in a project that
>> already uses APR a lot, but we don't.
>> Instead of the historical, crippled forms of logging like OSL_TRACE(),
>> which don't appear in release builds, I've made it use the newer
>> com.sun.star.logging UNO component (wrapped in comphelper::EventLogger),
>> which was inspired by java.util.logging, with configurable verbosity
>> levels, handlers (file and console) and output formats (plain, csv), and
>> importantly, which produces output in release builds too. I've also made it
>> so that on LogLevel::FINEST, Curl's verbose mode is enabled and Curl's
>> debug output is also logged through us, with descriptions of what Curl is
>> doing, and logs of all HTTP traffic including headers and bodies, before
>> encryption and after decryption in the case of HTTPS, giving us tremendous
>> detail that can be used for troubleshooting problems.
>> Curl only supports the custom TLS certificate verification function we use
>> (the CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION option) when built with OpenSSL, wolfSSL or
>> mbedTLS providers. We currently use schannel on Windows instead, which had
>> to be changed. I also made it use zlib, which generally helps, and WebDAV
>> uses XML which is very verbose and benefits from compression. On other OSes
>> with system curl, it is now checked for its SSL provider, and configure
>> fails if it isn't OpenSSL.
>> The new WebDAV module successfully builds and runs with both OpenSSL 1.0.2
>> or 1.1.1. However 1 function was renamed between those versions, so the
>> OpenSSL version at runtime probably has to match the one used at compile
>> time (although building with 1.0.2 headers might allow running with 1.1.1 -
>> not tested).
>> (After completing development and testing, it dawned on me there is a
>> completely different way to do the certification verification, which should
>> allow other SSL providers to be used and might be better in various ways.
>> See later.)
>> We currently build zlib as a static library only, and on Windows its C
>> runtime library is linked statically (_MT), which can't be mixed with
>> curl's dynamic linking of the runtime library (_MD). Thus curl was made to
>> link it statically too. Most if not all of our modules link the runtime
>> library statically too (which begs the question, why do we ship the msvcr*
>> redistributables to users at all then?).
>> The file open dialog (Ctrl+O) can hang for several minutes when first
>> connecting to a server. This is not new - it happens with Serf as well.
>> This appears to be caused by autocompletion in the file dialog. When typing
>> in a URL like "davs://", the WebDAV content provider is first
>> called with a partial "https://1";, before the rest of the URL is entered.
>> That "1" is (somehow) treated as IP address "", and a TCP connection
>> to is started. Only after several minutes, when that connection
>> times out and fails, does the content provider get another request with the
>> complete URL, which succeeds. The distinctly unpleasant wait, is luckily
>> only present that the first time that server is used, as caching remembers
>> the URL even across AOO restarts, so the "1" is automatically expanded to
>> the full URL and the content provider never sees "https://1"; again.
>> You can only enter credentials for the HTTP(S) proxy or the destination,
>> never both, as the credential manager caches credentials per URL, not per
>> host/realm, so while you are prompted for credentials for both, and Curl is
>> told about both, the destination credentials overwrite the proxy
>> credentials in the cache, so one Curl request works but future Curl
>> requests use the wrong credentials to the proxy. This doesn't matter, as
>> AOO doesn't support passwords for proxy servers anyway, and Serf has the
>> same issue.
>> Damjan
>> --
>> Put some files in /var/tmp/dav/files, then configure Apache HTTPD's
>> httpd.conf with something along these lines:
>> Listen
>> LoadModule dav_module libexec/apache24/mod_dav.so
>> LoadModule dav_fs_module libexec/apache24/mod_dav_fs.so
>> <VirtualHost>
>>   DocumentRoot "/var/tmp/dav"
>>   ErrorLog "/var/tmp/dav/errors.txt"
>>   TransferLog "/var/tmp/dav/access.txt"
>>   DavLockDB "/var/tmp/dav/DavLock"
>>   # If using TLS, generate these self-signed certificates too:
>> #  SSLEngine on
>> #  SSLCertificateFile "/var/tmp/dav/cert.pem"
>> #  SSLCertificateKeyFile "/var/tmp/dav/key.pem"
>>   <Directory "/var/tmp/dav/files">
>>     AllowOverride none
>>     Require valid-user
>> #    Require all granted
>>     AuthType Basic
>>     AuthName "WebDAV"
>>     AuthBasicProvider file
>>     AuthUserFile "/var/tmp/dav/passwords"
>>     Dav on
>>   </Directory>
>> </VirtualHost>
>> Enter your username and password with:
>> htpasswd -c /var/tmp/dav/passwords username
>> Then in the file open dialog, enter "dav://" (or use
>> scheme davs:// instead, if using HTTPS).
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