On Tue, 2005-04-26 at 23:09 +0200, David Fraser wrote:
> Martin Hollmichel wrote:
> > Daniel Carrera wrote:

> >> I kind of like the idea of just grabbing my own branch and playing 
> >> with it, and doing my own commits, without having to touch the 
> >> central server. And then if it turns out I produce something 
> >> worthwhile I can try to get it approved.
> >>
> > It seems that you got the idea of having childworkspaces :)
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but childworkspaces still touch the central 
> server, they just operate on a private branch...

Yes, you are correct.  The concept of the new SCM tools are a
fundamental shift in the way you work.  The ability to branch and merge
externally on your own tree appeals to me.  For example when a new CWS
is created internally for review there is a period of time until the
merge, during that time I want to be able to merge that branch into my
tree then when head merges with that branch I want the merge to actually
work.  The new SCM tools do that.

Ken Foskey
OpenOffice.org developer

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