vy.ho wrote:

JBoss is just an example of their argument. Forking is fine with me too on open source stuff. However, the reason behind it ("because it runs on Java") does not sound right to me.

It doesn't sound right to me either. I think that energy would be better spent on one of the free Java implementations (GCJ, Kaffe, SableVM, etc).

Forking is not theft. What RMS wants to do something that is permitted by OOo's license, and which has been done at least 3 times already.

I didn't mean it's a theft. And I was talking about Java here. This relates to people asking Sun to open source Java up in a forceful way

Ok, I misunderstood.

Indeed, no one has the right to tell, much less demand, that Sun open Java. Though I didn't see that happening in this case. I didn't think RMS was saying "Sun, you must open Java".

But in any event, I'm glad we actually agree.


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