Hi Sophie,

> As I understand it, not every body will want to use Base (HSQLDB 
> integration) but still want to access their external database (like 
> MySQL/SQLite/etc.) without using Base (the database environment).
> Am I right in using the same word ?

Ehm, well. Terminology is in fact not clear here.

There are at least three things:
- "Base" is the application, that is, at least the UI for editing
  database documents (no matter whether they connect to "external" or
  "internal" databases)
- HSQLDB is the engine used when the user asks "Base" to create
  a self-contained database document.
- There's quite some database-related functionality in the other
  applications. See the "Future Tasks" section in the specification
  I linked to, to get an idea - it's really more one would expect in the
  first run :)
  Whether this particular functionality is part of "Base" or not is
  debatable. For the data source browser, we decided it *is*.

The problem with the "optional Base" feature (which closed in on very
short notice only) is that it's in no way clear what a user expects if
she disables "Base" in the setup.

What should be gone then? The application UI? The integrated engine? The
integration into other application? The integration into Writer only, or
into Calc only?

Caring for *all* potential needs here requires much more fine-grained
control during setup than the current "Base on/off" option. As you can
see in the "Future tasks" capter, we're at least aware of this :).

> Am I right or do I miss something or will it be possible in the future ?

No, you're right, there are different use cases, while the current
option addresses only one (namely installations where the users should
not be able to create/modify database documents of any kind, but only
use the ones provided by other parties, and still should have all

*Whether* and *When* the other use cases will be addressed is not clear
(to me) at the moment. It probably depends on how many users/customers
think it's necessary :)


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
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