On Sun February 5 2006 21:46, Johannes Walther wrote:
> --- Henrik Sundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Well, I got very nice, quick, and helpful responses
> >when I had problems compiling the code with only the
> >free versions of MS compilers.
> >
> >Could it have anything to do with the way You ask for
> > help?
> Maybe it has, but I can't say. You're free to read my
> post from 2006-03-02 13:11 and tell me if it was
> written in bad style - but produced no result though.

Please note that many of the developers or OOo are working fulltime in the 
Central European Timezone. Therefore your question would only have been 
available for a few hours before they left work.

Also I find it better to state the problem before you state what you've tried 
to do to solve it, or what symptoms you see.

> My post from last hour wasn't to ask for help
> compiling - at the moment I gave up, being frustrated
> after sitting here for nearly ten hours without
> anything done.
I can understand that.

> I just wanted to know why the code produced by the
> maintainers is so fragile, so uncompilable - or the
> other way around the docu/tools are that
> bad/missleading.
Many people have problems compiling OOo and most of this stems from the fact 
that they have not used the setup as explained in the development tools area. 
I'd advise you to have a look at http://wiki.services.openoffice.org and read 
the HOWTOs there on compiling. Obviously if you find problems and/or 
omissions then please add comments.

CPH : openoffice.org contributor

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