On Monday 30 October 2006 11:46, Robert Vojta wrote:
> Hallo,
> does OpenOffice.org provide a framework for storing sensitive
> information? Like passwords? Anything like Gnome Keyring Manager, ...?

That depends what you want to do. OOo can set a password on a document when 
you save through File -> Save As. Bear in mind that the encryption is strong, 
so if you lose the password you lose the data. It is not practical to try to 
break it with current technology, AIUI. There is only type of encryption 
possible defined by OOo now.

Also, you can sign a document with File -> Digital Signatures, so others can 
verify the document is yours. You will need a certificate from some 
authorising agency, like Thawte or CACert.

Or you can set a password and sign it.

So far as I'm aware, you cannot encrypt the contents of a document according 
to someone else's public key, so only they can read it; but of course you can 
encrypt the whole file outside OOo.

Andy Pepperdine

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